Shelter-At-Home Update


Big hug! I hope you are and your family are happy, healthy and stocked up on toilet paper! 

Last Monday we closed the studio to visitors, but were fortunate to have plenty of work, so the three of us continued to do our thing all week. As the severity of this situation unfolded, we knew that our days of “normalcy” would soon end. Nashville officially went on a two-week Shelter-At-Home mandate on Monday and at the rate things are going, it will most likely be longer. I spent Sunday packing up the jewelry, shipping supplies and my plants to take home. This is all so surreal. The studio is closed, but I want you to know that I am still here for you!

How are you handling all of this? There are no words that adequately describe the roller coaster of emotions that we’re all experiencing right now. It’s truly humbling to see how much can change in a matter of days. I’m trying my best to stay healthy and positive about the future and hope and pray the same for you. This situation has all of us way outside our comfort zone, but it will no doubt prioritize many of the things that we tend to take for granted. We may be distanced by space, but we are not alone. We are in this together!

It’s natural for us to be fearful of the unknown, but I'm trying my best to be intentional and present in the moment. I believe that challenging circumstances can encourage and empower growth if we let it. So let's nurture relationships. Check in on our neighbors. Rest. Be creative. Be productive. (Now is the perfect time to do all of the things we'’ve been putting off around the house.) Stay positive. Dress up. Learn something new. Be active. Pray. And stay home! 

Small businesses are the backbone of our community. We are family. I’m eternally grateful to my dynamic duo for handling this recent series of events with their usual grace, strength and dignity and to you for your long time support. I've said it before and will say it again...There is no ME without you! I’m a planner, but nowhere in any business forecast could I have ever imagined that a pandemic would shut us down for a day, let alone longer. I’ve put my heart and soul into ME for the past ten years and Anjy and Edward have been an integral part of ME for over 30 years! I will do whatever I can to make sure that ME comes back from this stronger than ever, but in the meantime, we will do our part to keep our community safe by staying home. I’m heartbroken for all of the small businesses that have had to make gut-wrenching business decisions and let employees go over the past week. I plan to hold my talented team together for as long as I can, but the unfortunate reality is that we too will have difficult decisions to face if we don't have enough sales to help us get through this.

Thankfully our website is open 24/7! I’ve sometimes questioned all of the effort and energy I’ve put into it and socials considering most of our sales are made in person. But no more. I’m so thankful for every single hour spent over the past six years building, photographing and maintaining our site for this moment in time. We are no longer in production mode, but I am accepting and shipping orders from home. I have added a new “In-Stock” section to the website so that you can easily see exactly what is currently available and ready to ship now. We are also accepting orders for pieces shown on the website that are not currently in-stock. These will be made and shipped within two weeks of the Studio reopening. EVERY SINGLE PIECE is now 25% off with FREE SHIPPING! We may be on lockdown, but life goes on. Graduations, birthdays, anniversaries and Mother's Day are still happening! You can also purchase gift cards to use later if you wish. (The website won't allow a discount on them, but I can give you 25% off if you call me.) Please text, call or email me with questions or just to talk. I'd love to hear from you. Social isolation is going to get old fast! 

When it rains, it pours…but the sun will shine again. Praying this is all over sooner than later. Please stay strong and healthy! 

Love you much, 

Mclaine Richardson
Timeless handcrafted artisan jewelry made to order in Nashville, Tennessee

How Are You? I Miss You!


ME Studio Update